discovered by Julie Hindley

The Round Barn fence was granted solely to Julie Hindley by the owner. No other claim may be made.

The Round barn Fence

Perched peacefully for more than a century the iconic Barn became a poignant symbol of community loss after the massive 2017 fire.

A year later I literally stumbled on the Barn’s original fence laying in the field. Like stumbling onto buried treasure I felt an immediate emotional rush to salvage it. It was the only surviving artifact.

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I had it custom milled by a professional fine art framer who designed unique individual frames for each piece of artwork. They turned out more amazing than I had imagined and really become part of the art.

Note the date on the photo below: September 17 2017. Shot Just days before the October 9th fire.


The Artwork

Just before the fire I happened to be photographing the historic Barn. I wanted to create artwork showing its original charm as before the modern buildings encroached.

With that in mind I set out to find a perfect angle. This proved more difficult than I anticipated. 

Set atop the hillside, the big Barn loomed above presenting frustrating artistic angles.

But with persistent hiking discovered an ideal angle from a most unlikely place.

Perfect angle, straight across! From climbing onto the flat roof of the hotel next door! Goose bumps told me this was “IT”.

Notice the fence! Left side of photo.

Photo above 2017

Completed Artwork 




Above Last photo ever taken

Completed Artwork



This project was conducted with witnesses and written permission. 

 Copyright © Julie Marie Hindley  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED